Today I bought a laptop! If you didn't know mine crashed so we took it to a shop and they diagnosed that the mother board went bad. It was going to cost quite a lot of money to fix it and they couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't happen again in the near future. So I prayed about it and got some counsel, and I ended up buying a new one. It's awesome! It has a lot of cool stuff on it that only a few of you might be somewhat interested and most of you wouldn't even know what I am talking about. So I won't use the fancy terminology that I don't really know. So I will just tell you that it is a really good one! Here is a picture...
Howard Family -
The Howard family is a family that just recently moved in close to the Tuter's house. Caleb Howard had a 4-wheeler accident a week from this last Monday (8-31-09). It was very tragic. Him and his siblings were playing around on their 4-wheelers and they found a ramp that they were jumping off. Everything was going great and they were having a good time. Then Caleb went again and the 4-wheeler flipped over throwing him off of it and the the 4-wheeler landed on his head smashing it, and he past away that day. Mr. Tuter heard about it from one of the kids and ran up the hill to check it out. He prayed (for a long time) over the father who was weeping over his son.
Please keep the Howard family in you prayers. Pray for the parents marriage, the siblings, peace for the entire family, and that God would make Himself known to them in a mighty way.
Also please pray for Mr. Tuter. Pray that God would give him wisdom to minister to this family and that he would be a light for Christ.
Many blessings
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